How to create a google business listing

Google Places

Having a Google Listing has never been more essential than it is right now, with the development of smart phones with GPS and the need for information instantly no matter where you are. If you have a business online or not a Google Listing is so very important to help you be recognized in this modern era we find ourselves in.


Google listing setup steps

  1. Use your Google profile, like your Gmail address and password to log into the Google Local Business Center.  Click on Add New Business.
  2. Enter in your business’ Basic Information including:  address, phone number, email address, website, and business description.
  3. Choose a few categories related to your business, your hours of operations, and your business’ payment options.
  4. Next, upload photos that show off your business.  You have a limit of 10 pictures to upload from the web and/ or your computer.
  5. If you have videos highlighting your business such as product demonstrations, news interviews, commercials, etc. upload them to YouTube (Google owned of course) and place the URL in the local business listing.  You have a limit of 5 videos.
  6. Add additional details about your business.  Google recommends giving details about the brands you carry and if parking is available.  Point is you can mention any important details about your business that you think your customers should know.
  7. FINAL STEP:  Verify your business’ information.  You can do this one of two ways, you may either verify your information by phone and Google will call the phone number that you have provided or you may verify your information by postcard and Google will mail a postcard to the address you have provided for the business.  If using the postcard option, Google will place a pin number of the postcard which you will enter in on the home page of your Google Local Business Center.

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